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Channel Islands Movies on Youtube:


Man's Genesis (1912)
Neptune's Daughter (1914)
Civilization (1915)
A Submarine Pirate (1915)
Young Romance (1915)
Betty and the Buccaneers (1917)
Male and Female (1919)
Victory (1919)
Below the Surface (1920)
Terror Island (1920)
Down to the Sea in Ships (1922)
Foolish Wives (1922)
The Primitive Lover (1922)
Anna Christie (1923)
The Covered Wagon (1923)

Captain Blood (1924)

The Last Man on Earth (1924)

The Navigator (1924)

The Sea Hawk (1924)

Peter Pan (1924)

Ben Hur (1925)

The Black Pirate (1926)

The Cruise of the Jasper B (1926)

Old Ironsides (1926)

The Sea Beast (1926)

Shipwrecked (1926)

The Kid Brother (1927)

The King of Kings (1927)

The Yankee Clipper (1927)

It (1927)


Want a talk or a slideshow (live or zoom) about island movies for your club or organization? Email me via the Contact page of this website.  (No fee)



Books available for purchase at local bookstores, SB Historical Museum, and Amazon.com  ($25)

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