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Image: Los Angeles Times January 11, 1925

The Zoo in Montecito?


Dateline: January 1925

I know what you're thinking but no, this article refers to a real zoo called the Feather Hill Poultry Ranch in Romero Canyon, and not the social scene in Montecito. "An aggregation that is attracting crowds of visitors ... Grown people and children vied in their enthusiasm over gaudy-hued pheasants, parrots, parakeets, love birds, turkeys, guineas, peacocks, and even ostriches.


"Animals – from the large elephant down to the white-faced monkeys, whole families of bears, wildcats, mountain lions, hyenas and the like ... A honey bear divided honors with the monkeys in furnishing amusement for children."


This private zoo, sometimes called Feather Hill Zoo, was in Montecito from 1924 to 1930, when the animals were moved to the San Francisco Zoo.


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