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Image: Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Betsy J. Green, 2022

Happy Birthdate, Elsie Jane Wilson!


Silent film actress Elsie was born on November 7, 1885, in Australia. She appeared in more than 30 silent movies. In 1915, she starred in the "Flying A" production of The Lure of the Mask that was filmed in Montecito, California.


During the filming, a misplaced prop from the film caused a scene all by itself. A gardener found a sword in the woods that had been used in the movie, and thought that a murder had been committed. While the worker was showing the sword's location to the police, two of the actors from the movie came up all out of breath and asked if a sword had been found. They explained that they had fought – for film purposes only – a duel near where the sword was found, and that, on departing, they had forgotten all about it. The police accepted their explanation, and the case was closed. Whew!

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